Science Fiction/Fantasy Writers Group Blog

Monday, October 30, 2006

Kneel Before Zod (and stephen, too)

Killer idea Froyd.

In addition to this writing prompt, there will be an actual meeting of the club on Tuesday, 10/31 (Halloween to those in the know). It is at 3:30 at the round table of the upper, lower union. Or, the same place that we always meet.

Grubbs, I don't remember your email off the top of my head, so I hope that you see this before then...because you're never in school!

If you have written anything based upon Froyd's idea, bring it. Or just bring it! as in Bring It On! A stellar film starring the likes of Kirsten Dunst as a rich cheerleader campaigning for heart-wrenching causes like new uniforms and civil rights.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Writing Prompt 10-30-06

There is a city under seige, your choice of time, and type of seige. Is the seige war time? Is it under seige by aliens? By little chillens in halloween costumes? by a supernatural enemy? There must be a way to end the seige, your choice.

The story has to involve the ending of the seige for your character/group of characters. Doesn't matter if it ends the seige completely, or just for them.

1000-1500 words. Post it up here when you're finished.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Writing prompts?

I think we should do a bi-weekly writing prompt here, try and get us writing. I'll have the first one up by Monday, and then we've got two weeks to come up with something. I think limiting any peice of writing to 1000 words is not too much to ask, and then when finished post it up here for comments?

Just tossing some ideas out there. I need to get writing again, it's been too long.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

More Material

Well, I am kind of getting the hang of this weekly posting thing. I can only assume that being half of the semester is already drawn to a close that getting these "meetings" would be difficult. So I would further deduce that trying to set something up for next semester would be key. Even to get some fresh blood, I mean faces. Perhaps some exercises as well, whee! Just a thought, I don't know if I know how to put that into motion or not. Not that many of us are predisposition to motion. I can only think of assignments, maybe talking to some writing classes. I mean the least we can do is check flow. And maybe one of their class assignments can be supplemented by one of our exercises. I'm not saying that I want to bring in first-years, however, it would be nice not to "limit" it to our department. And I'm not saying that math people are really that creative, but does inspiration touches us all. It would really be great to help some young, struggling writers find their groove. And maybe build something worth putting on a resume.
-may the muse be with you.